Aziza Walker

Infinity and beyond

Infinity and beyond


On this grey day I treated myself my eyes to Yayoi Kusama's world. I have been immersed in her work before, but this time I have a new appreciation of her work after seeing the Kusama - Infinity documentary at the Barbican. She was definitely under appreciated as a female asian artist, but thankfully that has all changed. 

The only problem I had today was not being in the Infinity room. People were only allowed in the room for a minute, which hardly seems any time at all to really really get lost in it. It would have been ideal to take photos for a minute and then look at it properly with my own eyes for another minute. Sadly it was not the case. Within that minute the other half took videos, I took photos and stopping the wee one from touching the artwork. All that within a minute. I wish I could go back in!