Aziza Walker

Mummy and me

Mummy and me


Happy Aussie Mother’s Day to my beautiful Mum. Thank you for being a solid rock for me whenever I felt like I was drowning. Love you! ❤️❤️❤️ 

This is one of my favourite photos of my Mum and me. This was taken c. 1982 in the Philippines and Mum is looking chic and cool. I obviously look super cute waving this amazing leaf that I acquired. I have vague memories of this photo. I'm not sure whether these memories are fabricated based on looking at this photo or an actual memory. To be honest, it is a happy memory, so I'm not too bothered about it. 

P.S. Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful Mum’s, especially the first time Mum’s. Just remember you are amazing!