Aziza Walker

The meaning of Mandela

I was invited to visit the Mandela The Exhibition and this motivated me to start reading his autobiography. Unfortunately I am not a fast reader and Mandela's autobiography is very detailed. I visited this exhibition only have read the first quarter of the book, but that did not phase me. This exhibition, like the book, was definitely something you could not breeze through. 

This 3-hour journey showed me his early childhood, life during apartheid, his time in prison, the fight for freedom, life after apartheid and how much this man sacrificed to bring Africa together as one. I found myself feeling emotional when I came to the part where black Africans were first given the right to vote. You can visually see the tides of change as you walk through.

Once finished, this man did make me feel that I am a crap human being in comparison. It certainly spurred me to do better in my life and to finish his book!

Signs of Apartheid
Headlines of hope and freedom
Nelson Mandela