Aziza Walker

"We are but a mere speck of dust in the overall scheme of things"

"We are but a mere speck of dust in the overall scheme of things"

Iceland was one of the countries where you couldn't fault the beautiful and landscapes. Even the damp weather did not dishearten our spirits. On our final night the skies put on a spectacular show where we witnessed the northern lights. We were driving on our way back to our accommodation from an evening at the Blue Lagoon and I noticed silvery clouds streaming across the sky. The highway lights weren't helping, so my husband found an exit where there was a car park. We unpacked my camera and the tripod and ventured into the open landscape. After I took a photo it was confirmed the silvery streams of cloud were indeed the aurora borealis. Soon our eyes were able to adjust and we could see the lights dancing in front of us. It was a very profound experience and one we will never forget.